The Irshaad ensemble showcases intricate hand work on an ankle-length kalidaar anarkali, made in pure Silk Chanderi fabric. This luxurious and comfortable fabric is embellished with heritage Gota Patti and Dabka Zardozi Embroidery. The ensemble is teamed up with a skirt and a silk organza dupatta. The look features a broad V neck on the front, a zero back and elbow sleeves. The outfit is highlighted with Barsa Moti's and finished with an exclusive Chanderi Silk Banarsi Fabric.
This outfit is dedicated to Irshaad, our talented artisan and his team who worked over 108 hours to embroider this ensemble by hand.
Measure under the arms at the fullest part around the bust horizontally.
2. Waist:Measure around the natural waistline.
3. Hips:With the feet together measure around fullest part.
4. Inside leg:In bare feet take the measurement from the top of the inside leg and measure down the inside leg to the floor.
With bare feet together measure from the top of the head to the floor.
6. Skirt length:Measure from natural waist line to the floor.